The Euphoniums of The Army Field Band

For this blog, I wanted to feature 2 videos that feature the euphonium. Personally, I feel like the euphonium doesn't get enough attention as a brass instrument. It's not in a Brass Quintet or orchestra and I feel like it gets left out and overlooked. Fun fact, when I was picking out my instrument in the 5th grade, I literally said "I'm not going to play that because it is a mini tuba." I quickly learned that while technically I was right, it has a beautiful sound and I lowkey sometimes wish I played it. I got the chance when I was in low brass methods during my undergrad and my teacher said, "Keelie you play that at a professional level and better than most people here" and I will always remember that 😎.

This first piece is Duet No. 70 for Euphoniums by Arthur Amsden. I couldn't find a ton of info on the book that this is from other than (I think) it was originally written for cornets but adaptable for other instruments. 

This duet is really pretty, and I really like. if you want to follow along with the sheet music ill attach it here. they do a great job of blending and making their individual part act as one. there were times when I was listening that I didn't realize they were alternating the rhythms and I forgot there was more than one player.

lastly, I want to show one of my favorite pieces and every euphonium's worst nightmare: Melody Shop
I absolutely love that piece and get so excited every time I hear it. this video is really cool because they actually finger each other's instrument and turn around which is insane, and the crowd loved it. Then, in true March fashion they sped up at the end which was awesome.


  1. This sounds like a euphonium player's Carnival of Venice & Variations! I think I'll have to get an edition and transcribe it for trumpet just to make sure


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